11. December: Link Tipps & Newsletters

Today I would like to present you some websites and newsletters that constantly help me doing my daily job, providing information on tricky parts or things that I do know very little about.

German language

I am aware that there will be a lot of german websites. I decided to mention them, because they all provide valuable information about different topics. You can use the translation feature of your favorite browser to translate the content. Meanwhile this works really well.


Lukasz Pegiel, who lately created the great ADT-plugins Classic Outline, ABAP QuickFix and ADT Extensions, shares a lot of valuable information about ABAP programming on his abapblog.com.

If there is anything you need to know about ALV, I bet you will find it there. Also check out his Fast ALV application FALV for easier use of the ALV-Grid.


The Codezentrale.de is a german website with a lot of example code of all possible sections. Only the title is german, then only code is following. Every code snippet can be copied and pasted into an SAP ABAP Editor and is ready to run.



My own blog tricktresor.de in german language also often helps me solving problems. I am then wondering that I already this problem years ago. 😉 Sometimes I just know that I have a solution here and directly search here. In the Tricktresor you will find a lot of tipps and tricks about SAP programming.

I also make sure that the reports are ready-to-run, so that you can copy the code easily in your SAP system. I also regard that only the code elements are in the code that are necessary for the current trick.


Again a website in german language… Pastafahndung.de is a platform where I collect interesting and fun tasks for practising unit tests. I was tired of all these roman numbers exercises that you see as Kata for different programming languages. Pastafahndung is a play on words with the german Rasterfahndung (which means dragnet investigation) and Pasta (which means Pasta) and came from the first excercise of Stefan in the abapforum.


Simply one of the best and most frequent forums for ABAP programming


The Berater-Wiki-Website is a great compendium for all areas of SAP-programming.


Naimesh Patel did not blog a lot the last years, but his articles are still a good reference for a lot of design principles in ABAP. I still find useful information about design pattern in his blog. And also if it comes to SALV, Zevolving provides a lot of valuable hints.


There are some companies, that provide useful information about SAP-programming.


Of course SAP needs to be mentioned:

Everyone should know these startings points. The blogs are always of great value and give a good overview on the one hand but also detailed information on the other hand. You might want to follow your favorite tags.


ZAPyard first was a little bit suspicious to me because the website had too much colours and too much fonts styles, but meanwhile ZAPyard is a huge knowledge database for all areas of SAP: Learning, programming, security, Fiori, CDS-Views and so on. ZAPyard does not only provide a trick here and a tipp there, but you can choose from a lot of actual tutorials, especially for SAP HANA.


One of the initiators of ABAPConf, Föß and Domi, who work for Cadaxo, provide a lot of great information in their blog. You will find a lot about CDS-Views and Fiori-Elements.


I must admit, that the Mindsquare AG offers a wide range of information about SAP and ABAP.


The company ERP-Up by Andreas Geiger also provides some very cool ABAP-Blogs.


The Boring Enterprise Nerdletter

Every two weeks, the Boring Enterprise Nerdletter brings you 6 stories about SAP, ABAP, UX, Cloud, AI, all things enterprise software, and sometimes beyond. Be informed, entertained, sometimes puzzled but never bored. Brought to you by the creative minds of SAP Mentors, book authors, et cetera Jelena Perfiljeva and Paul Modderman. Subscribe here.


The IT-Onlinemagazin (german language) by Helge Sanden, regularily provides useful information about what’s going on in the SAP ecosystem. Subscribe here.

tldr – Byte sized news for busy techies

tldr is the abbreviation for Too long, didn’t read. This Abbreviation often stands at the top of longer articles. You might also call it summary… 😉 The tldr-newsletter presents interesting topics from the tech world. Subscribe here.


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